Some time ago Steve gave me a set of three tiny little canvases. I painted two right away. Liked one ok, didn't like the second one. This is the second one after another (thick!) coat of paint. I like it much better now!
Now to figure out how to frame/hang it somewhere. AND to find the first one --- where did it go? NO idea. But I'll find it eventually as I put my upstairs studio in order.
=== play with metal. I have LOTS of jewelry ideas in my head === print a series of cards === attempt some more sewing projects === fix all of the old TCEKU picture links. boo. that's going to be quite a bit of work. === play with hot glass & warm glass === get back to creating that stained glass window! -------- finish soldering the window -------- patina -------- create a frame and hang up the window === pay up on that 365 promise which is turning in to a . . . uhhhh . . . . . 500+ promise. Doh.
BONUS projects (which will likely wait until springtime at the rate I'm going these days): - create a few cement benches (then mosaic them!) - begin a woodworking project (a table!) - mat and/or frame a bunch of stuff - re-wire kiln - rehab clay & glazes