Friday, July 05, 2013

Burned Bird ATC

Slightly misleading title. The TREES were burned before being glued down, not the bird. 
This might possibly be my favorite ATC so far.

Thursday, July 04, 2013

Owl cameos

Experimenting with owls & cameos. Need more practice. Also - i need to try new glues. These glues ended up with unexpected results (1) The underlying glue loosened the pink & green paper dye (so the white pieces did not stay white - they were a bit streaky) AND turned the some of the papers semi-translucent. ARG. (2) The Mod Podge on top managed to smear glitter all over instead of keeping it in only the cameo border. DOH.

Wednesday, July 03, 2013

ATC - more pink & green fun

Decided that pink and green weren't so bad and that this paper/pen combo was REALLY satisfying. I think I made a few other pink/green ones, but.... I seem to have lost them. Huh.

Tuesday, July 02, 2013

Pink ATCs

OK. Pink and green. 
 I couldn't do JUST pink (although the original theme I signed up for was "pink"). 
Note that neither of these is the ATC that I actually sent out.....  I seem to have forgotten to photograph that one.  It was similar to these with some added antique gold marker, too.

Monday, July 01, 2013

April Art = Experimenting with ATCs and burned paper

I started experimenting with ATC's in April, too.
 ATC = Artist Trading Card.
 It's a pretty neat concept.

The theme for these two was "Burned".  SO they had to include some kind of burned something. It's hard to see in these, but if you look close, you can see where the edges of the paper are charred.  It was surprisingly hard to get intentional burn marks without simply incinerating the whole thing.