Thursday, June 15, 2006

a series of three....

here are those three paintings I was talking about... my dad got a whole stack of foam-board movie posters (for gosh-awful movies) and so i've been somewhat slowly painting over all of them. I guess the actual painting itself has been going quickly --- these three took me less than an hour each and I painted them all in less than a 24 hour period (two saturday night and the third Sunday morning) - essentially on a whim. just to see if i could. They're about two feet by three feet big and they're painted with acrylics. Acrylics just got WAY more fun for me because I FINALLY tried out this tube of 'retarding medium' that Jen gave me as a gift. i *love* that stuff!


Mouse said...

Amazing art work!!! I'm always looking for new art to enjoy so, thank you!!!

11frogs said...

Amazingly, I'm not voting for the green as my favorite this time :) I love them all but the far left, yellow-and-purple gets my vote this time. Beautiful.