First... the gosh-awful carpeting in a crowded front porch... I'm sure that part of the awfulness stems from the not very cleaned up porch that resulted from the door-installation fiasco of the previous weekend (pictures of that forthcoming in the next week or so, too)

Did you say you wanted a close-up of that?

After removing the carpet, I see that there's a lovely cement slab base to start from!!! (actually, I knew that already or else I wouldn't have sprung for the slate tiles)

So I lay out my tools... before this (I didn't post a picture of it, but I have one if you are interesed) I opened the boxes of slate tiles & set them all out on my driveway, where I hosed them off, let them dry and then sprayed them with their first coat of pre-grout sealant.

Took a short coffee/tea break after laying down 20+ square feet of slate....

Apparently took (a very important) break just 8 tiles later...

Phew. Here's what the floor looked like after ~8 hours of tile-laying. Each of these tiles had been handled no fewer than 6 times before being installed... carried to car, set out on driveway for clean & seal, carried in to porch for Layout #1, rearranged into current layout, moved over & out of the porch so I could start installing, and finally each one picked up and back-buttered for maximum stickage & tile-eveness...
Yep. those are the *
technical* terms ;)

The (almost) final product... it's been grouted with a lovely "pewter" colored grout and is currently curing so that I can put 2-3 coats of another sealant on.... I'm thinking I will use one that will give a *slight* shine to the tiles without actually making them super glossy...
It's beautiful! Great job!
Looks great...I may need your help someday...
You've been tagged, http://tootwisted.blogspot.com/2007/05/ive-been-tagged.html
made me laugh out loud with the back buttered thing.
and, if you help Loud do anything home related I must be invited to assist as I have some REMARKABLY ugly forest green marbled vinyl tiles in my foyer that may drive me to insanity if I don't cover them up.
You write very well.
I love the look of slate floors and its mineral components. One should be especially careful to slate floor cleaner
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